The Courtney Rose Bouquet

The Courtney Rose Bouquet

Regular price$200.00

Arrangement Value

Images shown are examples of arrangements that we’ve designed within the given price point. We very often have to use stems and containers that are available. We will do our best to accommodate your requests and assure your arrangement will be beautiful nonetheless.

Value of arrangement in photograph: $300

Adding value will increase size, stem count, and type of vase.

Delivery available Monday-Saturday

You can select your delivery or pickup date and timeslot on the cart page!

Delivery: We deliver up to a 25 mile radius from our shop. You can confirm we deliver to your desired address by entering the zip code on the cart page. We have a $50.00 arrangement value minimum for delivery.

Pickup: You can use the front or back door to come in the store. Please bring the name associated with your order.

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